ESG at Securis

At Securis, we recognise the importance of embedding environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance factors into our corporate operational framework, ethics and culture. Our aim is to align our principles with those of our investors through a diligent and responsible approach to Environmental, Social and Governance considerations at both an investment and corporate level.

Responsible Investing

Securis believes that Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) typically possesses inherently ESG-positive characteristics. Recognising the importance of ESG considerations for our investors, we have developed a responsible investment policy and framework to support the integration of ESG factors in our investment decision framework.



We recognise that climate change is increasing global temperatures with a cascade of climatological impacts – discussions around our approach to risk can be found in the SIP Responsible Investment Policy.

At a corporate level, we are developing a more sustainable working approach which will result in both environmental and social benefits with reduced reliance on physical infrastructure, minimising waste and extracting efficiencies through utilising cloud technologies.


We believe that our most valuable resource is our team. Our aim is to provide an inspiring, stimulating and empowering place to work. Our culture at Securis is built around an inclusive, ambitious and dynamic environment that encourages transparency, integrity, collaboration and creative thinking. We encourage staff to embrace the concept of corporate citizenship and have committed to exploring opportunities to make positive impacts both in the local communities of where we are situated in addition to global initiatives related to our business, particularly those closely associated with the ILS industry.


We recognise corporate governance and ethical conduct as essential drivers of long-term success. Ensuring proper and transparent practices are embedded throughout the company’s operations is core to our risk management framework and operations in a globally regulated environment.

Securis became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) in September 2017. The Principles for Responsible Investment were developed by an international group of institutional investors reflecting the increasing relevance of ESG issues to investment practices.

In signing the Principles, we as investors publicly commit to adopt and implement them and believe this will better align our investment activities with the broader interests of society.

Disclaimer: Securis pays membership fees to PRI.

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Securis became a signatory of the Standards Board for Alternative Investment (SBAI) in 2020.

The SBAI believes that responsible standards of practice strengthen the alternative investment industry, for the benefit of both investors and managers. Standards can improve how managers operate, increase transparency, provide solutions to industry issues, decrease the need for regulation, and make the manager/investor relationship more predictable and efficient.

Disclaimer: Securis pays membership fees to SBAI.

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Last updated 30th August 2023

Under Rule 2.2.3R of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (“FCA’s”) Conduct of Business Sourcebook, Securis Investment Partners LLP (“Securis”) is required to include on this website a disclosure about the nature of its commitment to the UK Financial Reporting Council’s (“FRC”’) Stewardship Code (the “Code”) and the nature of its commitment to the EU Shareholder Rights Directive (the ” SRD II Code”) or, where it does not commit to the Codes, its alternative investment strategy.

Both the Code and the SRD II Code are voluntary and set out a number of principles relating to engagement by investors with across asset classes invested in. For this purpose, “stewardship” is defined as “the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for clients and beneficiaries, which leads to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society.

Securis’ principal investment management activity involves investment in insurance linked securities. Securis’ funds invest exclusively in assets which do not have voting or participating rights attached to them and therefore the Code is not directly applicable to them. As such the Firm has taken the decision not to commit to the specific principles of the Code, nonetheless Securis supports the objectives that underlie the Code.

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Registered in England – No. OC312768

Registered office 12th Floor, 110 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AY.


This statement is issued by Securis Investment Partners LLP (“Securis”), a limited liability partnership registered in England, in compliance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Business

Securis is an operating entity within the Northill and B-Flexion group (”Northill”). Northill provides equity and seed capital to a small number of high-quality start-ups or early stage asset managers and provides equity capital to replace existing shareholders in larger more established asset management businesses.

Securis is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

This statement is our slavery and human trafficking statement for the purposes of section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out our ongoing commitment as a responsible business to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is eradicated.

Securis has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. As such we are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and we will take appropriate and reasonable measures to minimise the risk of this taking place in line with the nature of services provided to the firm.

Securis considers the risk of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour (together, “Modern Slavery”) and human trafficking existing within its business to be low.

Supply Chain Risk

Securis does not support or knowingly deal with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking and will not work with any party it suspects is connected with slavery in any way. Our supply chain includes regulated professional advisers, providers of financial data, IT equipment, office supplies, travel providers and other third party service providers (“Suppliers” for the purpose of this note).

Suppliers are reviewed on an ongoing basis in line with our Third Party Evaluation procedure which includes a requirement to analyse each Supplier’s or approach to combatting slavery and human trafficking.

Securis expects its Suppliers to adopt the same standards it meets itself, and in turn work only with companies that share these values and principles. Suppliers are expected to uphold their workers’ human rights and treat them respectfully, while maintaining workplaces emphasising ethical and fair behaviour.

In the event that Securis becomes aware of Modern Slavery occurring within its supply chain, we will seek to ensure that the supplier implements remedial action. Securis expects its Suppliers to react to any Modern Slavery issues constructively and responsibly, and in a manner demonstrating their willingness to remedy issues expediently.

Action Taken

Securis has undertaken a review of its existing Suppliers and evaluated the risk of any Supplier being unable to meet its obligations under the Act and will continue to focus on the following areas:

Key Suppliers on-boarding and due diligence – an analysis of the service provider’s approach to combatting slavery and human trafficking is to be included within our review process going forward.

Training – we have ensured awareness of the Act to enable staff generally to understand the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and flag potential issues.


Securis’ recruitment processes are thorough and transparent. We communicate directly with candidates to discuss job opportunities and to confirm the details of any offer made. We have robust procedures in place for the vetting of new employees and ensure that we are able to confirm their identities.

Securis has policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with human rights and UK employment laws. All staff are remunerated fairly and above the UK’s national living wage. Consequently, we are satisfied that our employees are not exploited in any way.


This annual statement covers the year ended 31 December 2023. It is publicly available on the Securis corporate website. The Securis Operational Governance Committee (a committee of the Securis LLP Board) has endorsed this policy and has confirmed its commitment to improving practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.